Grow your business Small & medium business accounting

Working with Territory business

Vita Gustafson and Associates has been helping small and medium businesses with their income tax since 1985. We work with professionals, tradespeople, construction contractors and hospitality operators. Whether you’re a start-up business or an established successful enterprise, we can help you.

Tax returns

Business tax returns, including preparing and lodging.


We can help you set it up or do the processing for you.


Cash flow advice and improvement.

Business planning

Planning and advice on structure – companies, trusts, partnerships, sole traders and joint ventures.

Software & tools

Software and tool setup, such as MYOB and Xero.

Family trusts

Setup and management of your family trust.

Deceased estates

Ensure your estate is in order and plan for business succession.

New business

Advice on starting a new business and cashflow projections.

Negative gearing

Advice and strategies on using negative gearing in business investment.

Small & medium business accounting

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